One week left till the chaos begins!!

We are officially one week away from our due date of Oct 23rd. Getting super excited! Also getting very tired of being pregnant. Everything hurts and aches and sometimes I feel like an old woman every time I stand up. I knew the last month was going to be hard, and it has lived up to its reputation in every way. On the plus side I am sleeping really well which I hear is rare for being this far along.

We are doing a home birth which is very exciting! We also just finished our Bradley class. Bradley emphasizes natural childbirth, no medications or drugs, and the husband being 100% involved from start to finish as “coach”.

Oct 23rd is a special day for us in many ways. It is my husband Greg’s bday. And on 10/23 he was born at 10:23am. How crazy is that! It is also the day we got married. Back on 10/23/99 there was a full moon. Guess what the moon is doing next Saturday? It’s FULL! I’m convinced our little guy will be born on his due date. I hope I can be patient for another seven days. Haha!

Enjoy this wonderful fall weather and we’ll let you know when the excitement begins.



2 responses
I hope it will be tomorrow! Ariana was born a few days early; seems like it is better to be early than later!
Hi Alison,
Just last week we found your website and discovered that you were pregnant and close to your due date. So has the bundle of joy arrived yet? Good luck to you and Greg as you take on the role of parents. You'll be great but probably a bit sleep deprived at first.
Deb and Steve